Friday, December 5, 2008

Give the gift of a beauty this winter

Treat your self or someone else to a nice beauty treatment this winter!
Buy gift certificates for someone special...

Na’Klectic Natural Hair Gallery & Day Spa
Heather’s Skin Care Menu

The Swift: “The lunch break” a delightful intro into skin care. Enjoy cleansing, exfoliation, and finished hydration. Recommended for the person on the go in need of a little pampering. ($30)

The Exclusive: This 30 minute facial includes the basics as well as special treats in between specifically designed for your skin type. After your skin analysis enjoy cleansing, exfoliation, facial massage, and extractions. Relax and enjoy a service designed to cater to your skin care needs .($45)

Indulgence: Experience true pampering. An hour including cleansing, exfoliation, facial massage, extractions, a treatment mask, and many other perks such as a foot or hand massage. This hour relieves stress with just the right amount of t.l.c. ($60)

For Him: A 30 minute facial dedicated to the special needs of a man. Treatments for ingrown hairs, mustache, & beard will have you turning heads. Enjoy a facial without all the fluff but still beneficial to your skin. ($45)

Teen Facial: Caters to the skin care needs of teens. Most teenagers experience breakouts, hyper-pigmentation (dark marks) and many other skin care flaws. The teen facial is not just a facial but education about prevention of breakouts and specialized regimens for home. ($40)

Call & make your appointment today! 410-889-0287

Beauty Tip Reminder

Hey Mamas,
If you forgot the best way to not have crusty lips this winter you must do this...
When you brush your teeth brush your lips as well. you can do it during or after. Always do this once a day and your lips should stay chap free.
Don't forget give your lips some hydration after a good scrubbing.
-Peace Mamas

Beauty Tip 4 a Wonderful Morning!!!

Hey Mamas! Need a morning energizer treatment.
Here are 2 ways to get you bright and refreshed for the day.
Play up beat fun music while washing your face and putting on makeup.
Scrub your body with a Coffee Scrub!!!
All you need is 1cup of coffee and some shower gel.
Mix it together and get scrubbing!
Have fun!!!
-Peace Mamas

Life is full of disappointments

Two days a go I got the news I'm having a little boy. I was very disappointed because I really wanted a girl. I thought I would have tons of girls not 5 boys, lol. Yes, I might sound selfish and ungrateful and sorry if I offend. I felt just like the frowning little girl in the picture. I was sad and had my time to be upset and disappointed.

Life can be full of disappointments but we must always remember the good things in our life. There is nothing wrong with being disappointed. My girl Qee let me know it's okay and I know that because I wont stay in that feeling forever. I can't say this is the last baby for me. I will leave it in the Lord's hands. I love my boys never get it twisted but that wont stop me from wanting a girl.

Times are getting hard and there will be major and minor disappointments in you life. Your life wont wont seem so bad if you keep in mind all the great things & people within it. Feel disappointed but don't stay there and let it fester. Keep it moving Mamas!!!

-Peace Mamas