Yes, I said it "The Ugly Side" because we all know its not cute. I love a man with a fresh cut but when you see those nasty bumps it's a sad case. The crazy thing is a black man will still walk around like their the hottest man alive. You know you see it when your looking in the mirror. Now is the time to do something about it. If your a Mama reading this blog please pass it along to your brother, daddy, husband or son. My sister told me she believes many black men and women would benefit from this topic. I know your on the edge of your seats believing there is some kind of magic potion you want me to tell you about. Well, you know what there is lol... but first let's find out the cause of razor bumps.
Most often when black men shave their hair it will curl back into the skin. A bump will appear in the skin showing the skin is inflamed. Its basic cause in and effect with razor bumps.
Another cause can be bacteria being present in the skin because your barber might not have cleaned his clippers.
Simple Solutions & Prevention
Now here is the magic potion in the bottle. Believe me it works. Tend Skin will work wonders on preventing razor bumps and removing them. Check out their site at or go to Sephora to purchase this product.
Also try Tea-tree products you can find Tea-tree products at The Body Shop. Tea-tree oil helps clean out the bacteria in the skin. Look on for the oil.
Use facial brushes. Scrub your beard before you shave.
Brushing before you shave raises the hair up out of the follicle and prevents it from coming back into the skin.
Now aren't you happy you stop by to listen to MAMA.
- Peace