Hey Mamas,
If your a stay at home mom like me I know you understand the life of a routine. It mainly consists of taking care of the house, kids, cleaning, shopping, doctor appointments, and so much more. The schedule seems jammed packed with things to do but the activity of the mommy schedule is repetitive. You go in circles hoping for something exciting to be added to your day. Well ladies I have some simple solutions to spice up your mommy routine. Check them out...
- Make play dates with other friends with children.
- Have Date Nite with your husband once or twice a month.
- Create a "Mommy Circle" with mothers you know and keep it once a week.
- Start a book club with friends and meet up every month to discuss the book.
- Exercise at home or have an exercising buddy to workout with during the week.
- Join a Dance Class...choose a type of dance you would love to learn.
- Join a Cooking Class...find new ways to cook food. You can get together with friends once a month and cook together.
- Art and Crafts are always fun. You can do these activities with your kids or alone.
Have fun ...
-Peace Mamas