My mother taught me the meaning of "family" and the bonds it holds. I never understood it entirely until I had my own. During slavery times white master would do everything in his power to destroy the bond of the black family. One way are another we held together. Even if daddy got sold up the river because the family was too strong with love. The little boy would remember his daddy's presence. Mama would keep his memory alive to her children. Now in the present the "black family" is dying but we refuse to see it. The bonds our ancestors would never break we cut everyday. Sleeping around and having children with just any man is okay. Father's not being within the family unit for both mother and child is at a rise. Seeing a black man take care of his children is not a norm and looked at like a side show project to others. Our respect and dignity has vanished. Many black men never really make bonds with their family when older and lack to have their children get to know their family. Why is that so common in the black community? Name one black child that will say "I
dont really know my mother's side but I do know my father's". It's always the other way around. If both sides of the families' blood run through this child there should be a bond on both. I say I will break the cycle
becauseI am raising boys that will become men and have families. I will
teah them the bond of family and their children will grow up to know their father's family. Our children hold our legacy. Let us keep the black family alive to push forward to forever. Sorry if this blog is too much for you but my thought are real and run deep.
-Peace Mamas